Monday, October 29, 2012

Break through Australian trip

In the coming days Kush was very busy with his preparations to go to Australia for training. He was getting an opportunity to train on a multi engine plane in Australia. This gave rise to a complete change in Kush's English accent. He tends to do that quite often, i think he was trying to get a feel of Australia. But frankly I hate this fake accent by people. People try to fake accent once they land on a foreign soil. I never gave a shit about his accent or his new makeover. I met him a day before he left for Australia to wish him for his training. That was when I heard about Anisha next. He said he gave my number to Anisha if she wants to know anything or any help in his absence. I just nodded and changed the topic because I was sure she would never call up to inquire and all. But in this instance I was lucky to be wrong, she did call up. It is really funny about my friends and the friendship we have. We never used to care much about each other. It was so natural for us. For instance, I never remembered any of my friends birthday, the only way I used to come to know was through Facebook updates and I made sure to write it on his wall just as a formality. But I always expected and made sure that we looted the guy in the name of birthday treat. I am not the only jerk in this, all my friends were equally bad at this. But to some extent it changed when I was in college. Birthdays would be like a huge carnival, we have preparations and surprise parties for the birthday boy and we make sure that we get a good gift for him and then in return he treats us. But back in Baroda things have n't changed much, its been  48 Hrs since Kush left and I did n't even thought once whether he reached his destination safely. I just completely forgot about it until i received a call from the unexpected. Yup, it was Anisha. She seemed bit worried and asked me whether I received any call from Kush, that is when I realize that Kush is in Australia  But I acted smart then, I don't wanted her to have a  bad impression about me nor our friendship. i jumped on to say that even I was expecting his call for long and would let her know if I get any call from him. I even asked her to do the same if he does call her. i expected Kush to call her for obvious reasons.

Kush did call us both the next day. And as promised I informed her about the same. Even she told that she was about to call me to inform the same. We then chatted for a while and then got back to our respective work. It was always different talking to her. The only way to explain it is that it brought a smile on my face. I used to feel pleasant and happy after talking to her. The pleasant and happy feelings continued in the coming months as we used to talk a lot on the phones and meet too. We found many similarities in each others character and behavior and most importantly we understood each others problems. We started discussing anything and everything with each other.  We became very good friends with time. But that is when we faced with our first hurdle Kush. By the time Kush came back from his training in Australia, we were like the best of friends. We never realized the fact that importance of one another has increased way beyond what Kush could imagine and has taken a place above Kush in our lives. This never went well with Kush, this was the beginning of distances between Kush and the two of us. Kush could never accept the fact that me and Anisha are more close to each other than he ever was. It further increased on new years eve. Kush hosted a party at his place on new years eve. I was among the invitee list which also included Anisha and her friend Disha. Disha happens to be her childhood friend and they always celebrate new years together. Me along with Kush went that day to pick Anisha from her place. We went in my love machine. I think I have n't introduced anyone to my love machine, that's my first car. The name given to the car would be justified soon as it has witnessed some of the beautiful moments in my life. But for now, I would stick to me picking them up from their home. Roads were jam packed as expected. It took us more than an hour to travel this 10 km ride from Kush's home to Anisha's. The most stunning thing about the day was no doubt Anisha.Even today she remembers the expression that I gave back then. It was something out of this world. While Kush had gone to her house to call her, I was waiting near the car as I received some phone call. It was usual on that day as it was new years eve. As Anisha walked out, her sparkling eyes in the moonlight and her gorgeous hair covering up her face side ways, it was deadly. I never realized that my mouth was wide open. I had always seen this scene in a Bollywood movie but never believed in something like that till then. But believe me, it did happen that day and thankfully the only person who saw that was Anisha. I think those deadly looks was the trigger to what followed in future. Suddenly I had feelings for one of my closest friend. I knew it was not right but I could n't help it. “There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.” And I believe that was my moment. We drove and all of us got to our party venue before 12. We thought of watching a movie at first with some scotch for the guys and vodka for the ladies. As always me and Anisha loved each others company, we were watching movie together. Disha being Anisha's close friend could sense that there was something more to it which we both forcefully denied. I still don't remember the movie, neither does Anisha. I believe know in the party remembers the movie as me and Anisha were bust talking to each other and the others were busy staring at us. All this did n't go that well with Kush as it was his party and it was meant to impress Anisha. He tried now and then to gather her attention and put light to the effort he has made in coming up with this party. He made arrangements for the finest scotch and vodka in a region were alcohol is prohibited. He really meant business with the party and I did screw it up for him big time. Kush stopped the movie in between as it became obvious by now that no one is interested in it anyways. He came up with another strategy, that was to play something interactive so that he can get to know about her more. So we started playing the drinking game. I never realized by this time that I was a bit drunk and Anisha was no less. We were so lost in our talks that we never realized how much we drank. This lead to series of things that happened and we never realized it. At least I did n't realize it....

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