Monday, October 29, 2012

After college

End of college days bring in mixed feelings in one's mind. Somewhere we are happy that we are engineers now, writing thousands of tests and exams which included the taste of failures and success. But in the end it all comes down to one sheet of paper on which some random guy authorizes the fact that I am an engineer now. Only I know the fact as to how I got through the menace. And if majority of engineers in the country are like me then this country is in deep shit. Whatever may be it, the fact is I survived and in this world its all about survival and adapting to the circumstances and I did fairly well in both.  But problems don't end here, its just a beginning, as I am an engineer now people expect me to get a job now. But how can I tell those people that I never wanted to be an engineer at the first place. I am meant for something different and the fact is that I still don't know what that different thing is. I always believed that I am a very good coordinator, a team leader. I should always pursue something in that area. I started researching stuffs in my area of interest and trying to find a proper job for me before the pressure from the society gets the better off me. 

In the mean time I was back in my home town of Vadodara. I really missed this place and my friends round here. I never had many friends around, a small bunch but a good one. But right now I was jobless and most importantly directionless, this was when I thought of studying further but this time in something I am interested in, some courses that could enhance my leadership qualities. I wrote all the required eligibility tests and exams required for that. Meantime I had a visit to Goa with my friends Kush and Manav. There was nothing that special about the trip except it gave some signs of something that was going to turn my life upside down. A day before we left Goa, I saw Kush sitting in our resort bedroom and talking to one of his colleague over the phone. I never cared much about his friends and his usual chat over the phone with girls. He was always well known for that. Its strange that I am always surrounded by one such guy always in my life, at first it was Gaurav and now its Kush. But Kush was different, he could never go past the phone calls. I never knew why, he used to say that he was least interested and I used to presume that the girls were least interested. In one such case my assumption came true. As I was saying, I just came near the bed and was looking for some stuffs when Kush turned and said that Anisha says that your voice is really husky. I did n't know what to say at that moment as I could n't make out whether she was praising me or criticizing because I had no clue then that girls liked husky voice. No one ever praised that quality in me till then. I just said ok and left the room. After a while I went to Kush and asked him what exactly did she mean when she said husky. That was when I realized it was an appraisal. Then Kush gave me a background about Anisha and told me about how he liked her since the days of flying club and even she is a trainee pilot from the same academy. We saw her pics on Facebook and just left the matter there as I was n't interested in his love affair as she was already in a relationship. The fact was that even I lost interest in discussing about the matter as she was in a relationship. That might be the reason why I never found her pics that attractive at all. Our next meeting was during Kush's birthday, she called two of his female colleagues for lunch and he asked me to join him with them. I was very hesitant about joining them as I did n't know them and I did n't want to sit there as a fool in between their discussions.  But still I went there. I was destined to go there. As it is said

“There are winds of destiny that blow when we least expect them. Sometimes they gust with the fury of a hurricane, sometimes they barely fan one’s cheek. But the winds cannot be denied, bringing as they often do a future that is impossible to ignore.”

When I got off my car and started walking towards the restaurant I could see a girl waiting there on her scooty with her face covered with scarf which resembled a terrorist or a Maoist member. But once she removed that scarf, my heart beat slowed down, every minute details of her were getting registered in my mind and as if my brain has slowed down the world so that I can do that with ease. 

What makes a woman beautiful? Is it her good looks, radiant skin, dazzling white teeth, stylish dress or her size 2 perfect figure? These attributes, at first glance, will surely draw most people's attention to a woman. The question is will that first impression prove to be a facade or is there a richer beauty hidden beneath the surface?
I was one of the lucky ones to have had witnessed both the outer and the richer beauty hidden beneath the surface. She was truly a princess. I still don’t know who named her that. Some one in her family had realized this beauty on the very first glance at her. Her characteristics resembled life threatening drug, every time you look in to her eyes you get more and more addicted to them and this drug has no cure and rehabilitation. 
If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about her, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if she were related to one of those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand miles away. It was an extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness such as I have never found in another person and which is unlikely that I shall ever find it again.
This is a young woman in her early twenties, who stands with an air of carefree confidence that is most noticeable in her serene eyes outlined with a dash of kohl. Soft face with rounded cheek bones, proportionally cute nose, high trimmed brows, soft pouty pink lips, and rounded chin is complimented by her easy, charming smile. Wondrous oceans of blue gaze out in playful curiosity as she smiles; though, there is a hint of a wild spark lingering behind those lids. Dark lusty hair, groomed and shining brilliantly, which crops her gentle face; the mane glimmers down towards her shoulders, with perfectly cut tips. The uniform hair spills down between her shoulder blades in bladed formation, the rest of it cropping in circular fashion towards her shoulders where the shortest strands cover her ever sensible neck . This young woman has a soft neck and narrow shoulders that form into equally lithe arms and hands, but her midsection shouldn't go without notice. Overall her general shape is a toned, hourglass figure defining her chest and hips which are of moderate, if not winding 'definition'. Altogether her skin tone is a light & even tan lending her to porcelain glamour. She is a feathery woman, but owns to many womanly curves that are upheld with a firm seductive looks.

 It takes a lot to provoke such interest from me, really. Normally I tend to write about scenery, emotional ploys. In this case she was a rare exception. There are also paintings that have provided me enough reason to write, but when it comes down to it most of my inspiration comes from the inside. There was just something unreal and eerie about her. Her luminous face adds an extra tone to it. The eyes were a piercingly sharp which speaks a thousand words with a blink. Plump, the lips had the strangest curl to them. Overall, she was truly an unearthly beauty.

The birthday party went excellent and I hardly spoke or noticed the birthday boy. But I would always that Kush for compelling me to attend the party. But I really did n't understand what I was doing. I liked a girl in a relationship and also been liked by one of my close friend. I could sense that things were going to get ugly sooner or later..............

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