Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My first Date

I thought of meeting her after our first internal exams, I meant a date. Talking about dates, never before in my academic history had i performed so badly.I was very much confident of flunking in mathematics this year. E ven the profesor had the same confidence in me. It wa for the first time that both of us came to the same conclusion. But this wont stop me from meeting shreya this sunday if she agrees. I called her and asked her out for lunch. She thought for some time and said yes. Its a typical gal thing.They would be waiting for the guy to ask them out. But when we do so, they would show the reluctance and expect us to ask again and again, which we do.
It was not just a meet, it was an official date after we started seeing each other. I reached the restaurant well before time, i am very particular and cautious when it comes to these things. Its not that i have done this before. She finally arrived. I had asked her to wear her red dress. I really love her i it.She looks good in all the dresses but red is special for me.Thats the dress in which i saw her for the first time. We did share a hidden chemistry-hidden for both of us. I was about to take her to the restaurant when she asked weather we could go for a walk. I felt it to be a better idea to share my feelings with her. It would be a bit romantic. After an exhaustive walk we decided to sit at some place. So we thought of returning to the restaurant.We took a corner seat, she was sitting beside me. I was all smiles. We sat there and talked quite a lot.To be more specific she talked a lot and i was listening. All her friends complain that she does not talk much but i felt the opposite, she talks too much which i liked very much. I could sit there and listen to her all day. I cant keep my eyes open for an hour when the professors teach. But this is all together a different experience. Some where in between she would stop talking and wave her hand so as to check weather i am sleeping with my eyes open. Thats when i would realize that i have been staring at her for quite a long time. After having lunch we took off from the restaurant and started walking towards the streets. Thats when the unimaginable happened. She just held my hand while walking. WOW!!!!!!! That was one hell of a feeling. No words to express it. Totally speechless!!! From there we walked till my bike hand in hand. There were people staring at us but we were nt bothered. I hoped to drop her till the hostel but her friends were waiting for somewhere nearby. This wish of mine remained unfulfilled. Anyways i had a great time. One of the best in my life. Awsome!!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Going by my instinct!

A few days later, i told shreya about my feelings to her or i can say i was forced to say because of the circumstances created by my friends. No one forced me to but should have given one more thought. During the next few days we used to come early to college and traipsed the entire college campus. I told her about my past( but not about my feelings for neha) and she told me about her. One thing i noticed about her was that she talks a lot and i would just look at her eyes and listen to all that she would say. She is a determined gal, making a life in the world where the rules have been written by men and as far as i know they are fuck of a species.We used to talk in the college all day and even on phone after reaching back. She had so much to say that to with avid excitement that i thought that she was forced to supress her feelings till now and she is finally liberated. I was very open with her, i felt as if what ever i did or told in front of her did nt matter as she would never misunderstand me. God!! am i so lucky. It happens in an instant that one falls in love. This just woke up the philospher in me, Though life fucks everyone for sure but not in every hole!!!!!!!!!

I just closed my eyes and was thinking of the incidents of the past few weeks and suddenly a face came to my mind, it was Neha's!!!I was really sick and ired of myself. I was thinking about what will it take for me to forget her. Deep in my heart i was feeling like a cheat. What ever be the reason i wont be able to tell these things to shreya. It will surely hurt her and i was not willing to do that. What the hell is wrong with my character?? Few months back i was in love with Neha and now i claim to be in love with shreya. What is the gurantee that i wont fall for any third gal?? The way things are going for me, i cant even gurantee that. I have really fucked myself up. I think i was not ready for this relationship. But this is not the time to think of all this. Its too late, i should have thought of this earlier. Now i ant hurt her and i wont!!! I hope so...........

Monday, February 22, 2010

Love again or Is it....?????

Time has finally come for our juniors to arrive.We all stood at the pasage blocking there way. I just accompanied my friends, was nt much intrested in knowing any of them. I was more intrested in handing my assigments to any of the gals with a good hand writting. All gals do have a good hand writting. I selected a gal from the bunch, dressed in red. She looked good so i asumed that she mite even write good. I handed my assignment sheets and she took it with out any complaints. She completed everything by evening and returned the papers. I started liking this way of raging. For the first time in my college life i used to get my assignments completed on time. I did the same next day, gave all my pending assignments to the same gal. Een the day after. But today i saw tears in her eyes and when asked the reason, she cried and left with my book. Later i came to know that there are other senior who made her do the same work. She was overloaded with work. I did pity her.
The next day i met her alone, she completed my assignments as always. I helped her tackle the other guys who used to make her do there work. But still she was doing mine. I started seeing her on a regular basis. Sometimes just to chat, soon we became good friends.
Lying on my bed on the same day, I thought about thi new gal in my life. The asignment gal or better known as 'shreya'. I tried to distance myself from her but i ended up appreciating her appearence. Her artistic eyes, soft ears and slender neck. Oh God!! what the hell am i telling!!!
I just could not control myself from telling so. I did nt jerk off thinking about her. I had high respect for her.Just one question rang my head " can love happen morethan once??" If all planets were fit for living then earth would have lost its unique identity likewise if i fall in love with every other gal i meet then love would loose its meaning. It would e same as lust and greed. The question which haunts my mind is weather i deserve her. If yes then what about my love for Neha?? Was it true?? I still cant get her out of my mind then how could i even think of any other gal!!!

The other side

Two months of vacation passed quite fast. It wa a good respite from the academic stress that i faced. Our new semester started with a bang, our seniors have told that maths this year was is tough. On top of that our proffesor was of no good either. Those who go to college and never come out are called proffesssors. I was finally back in my room, all my room mates have already arrived. All had a good time chatting about our holidays and some about there girlfriends. I was so involved in my love fiasco last sem that i never introduced you to my friends.
Let me start with gaurav, In one word he is a psyco!! His problem is that he never listens and is excentri about sex. Fantasizing about sex is his moral obligation. He finds sex in the most emotional scenes of a movie. In my opinion he would have been a better sexologist than an engineer.
The next is Aakash, he is an emotional attyachar. He emotionally blackmails all of us. But he is good. He loves his mother a lot. That does nt means others dont!! But he is very closely attached to her.
The third in the list is Aditya. He is a replica of Harish Chandra or the rebirth to be more speciic. Even if the teacher allows us to cheat in the exams he wont do it. Can you believe that?? He has never heard of the saying- " Rules are meant to be broken"
Then comes the most intresting guy in the lot nikhil, h is a real Adonis, he has apersona which consumes anyone approaching him. He is good in studies, sports and famous among gals. He is what every guy in college want to be.
Last but not the least karthik. There is nt much i know about him but he alway has a mobile attached to his ear lobes. He walks with it, he sleeps with it and he even SHITS with it.

Days to come......

I lost track of days after that days incident. To be particular, i lost track of everything. Exams were approaching, i tried my best to concentrate and managed to pass in a few. The first year of college was over. Apart from the neha fiasco, rest of the year was good. Had some crazy time with friends. But her thoughts tormented me always. I was sick and tired of myself. I did nt know what it would take me to forget her. Everyone does nt get what they desire. But who decides all these things?? I desperately wanted to know what extra did the boy possess which i did nt to deserve neha. If its destiny then its fucking playing with me, its all a game for Him and His sadistic sense of humor. I really want to forget her and move ahead but all my confidence gets punctured when i see her. And i would be seeing her for the next three years. I need to move on...........

I left for home the next day after college. We had two long months of leave. After that we would come back a seniors. By the time i hope to overcome all my traumasssss!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

DAY 21

The past fews days have been ok!!! nothing special! I did describe everything about her but i forgot to tell u her name, its Neha!! I have been avoiding her from the past few days not because there is any change in my feeling towards her. I did nt want myself to be potraited as a despo, which i m! U can call it attitude.
But what i heard today was heart breaking. A friend o mine told me that she was dating some guy! All the words were arrows poisoned at the tip with envy. They jut hit me hard and deep. I stood still hearing this but i felt as if an earth quake just hit and world around me is shaking. I did nt go for dinner that night, i excused myself on account of a head ache. I thought of it all night and that brought a whirlwind in my mind and that made me sick. Sitting on my bed , with the room absorbed in stark darkness, i was staring at the ceiling fan. I think i cried or can say a few droplets came fro my tear glands. I hate to accept that i cried. But i did!!!!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

DAY 15

BoldWana leave that days disaster behind and start afresh and today is the best time to do so. My friend has invited her and her friends out for lunch and i mlucky enough to acompany him. I was madly in love with her. It was not lust. Thats bcoz i have never fantasized her. I had planned something for today. Thought of starting with friendship but feared that it would end up just in friendship. Anyways i kept all that aside and took off to the restaurant with my friend. They would join us from there. I was dressed in my favorite black shirt and blue jeans and i must confess the fact that i was looking good. We all reached the restaurant, it was a good place. Was thinking of bringing her next time around but just me and her alone. Can say a date!!!

I said hai to her. My heart was beating at triple its normal rate. It was the first time i was talking to her. The blood flow in my head had gone up and my ears turned red. I could not even look at her. I was staring at the wall when i was talking to her. She mite have presumed that i have a squint. We were having our food but i was admiring her in between each bite. She wore no make up but till her beauty touched the pinnacle of charm. Long silky lustrous hair, glistering teeth fabricating an impeccable laughter and radiant glow on her face that left me spellbound. My eyes were wide open learning every aspect of her when uddenly she looked at me. I was frozen as if someone has made me a statue. My panoptic eyes were glued to her for quite a while. We did not have much of a conversation but i still enjoyed the day. There is not much to talk about but i loved each and every moment i spent with her.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Its almost a week since i have seen her for the first time but i have nt done anything other than staring at her. Its easy to write a thouand words about her rather than speaking to her once. But i had to act fast. I just had two choices- to make a girlfriend in the first year or to celibate for the next four years which is a pretty long time. I did nt want to end up a despo!!!!!!!!

Today i saw her passing by the road with her friends, seemed like fachchis were getting aquinted to the campus. A friend of mine was walking towards them to have a chat with them. he is always good at these matters so i thought of accompanying him. This was a good oppurtunity of talking to her. There were five of them. They were all talking to him as if they knew each other for centuries. Where as i was standing in the background playing the role of a shrub and discrening weather god has gifted me with a tongue or not. I could not muster the courage to speak to them. I was staring at them with infinite blankness or should i say i was staing at her!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was busy admiring her when suddenly she looked at me and told that even i could join there talk. All of a sudden i became the centre of attention and all started laughing. She was nt funny but still i was embarrased. That was realy a good start. Just what i did nt want!!!!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


As usual crippled with laziness , I dragged myself out of bed and with out caring to switch on the light i walked in the bathroom. that was instinctive for me. As always i was late for college, one needs some form of encouragement to go to that dumb place daily. Encouragement in my case was gals.........!!!!!!!!!! days were so boring. there were times when i thought that i would die a virgin in this dump place. In order to avoid it i had to fall in love, rest is there in my genes. I dragged myself in to the college bus and some how with extreme difficulty i reached college. Out of the bus and i saw a gal in white, she was hot!!! For the first time i thought that God heard my prayers. Stil dont remember the last time i went to a temple! I examined her for quite a while and this is what my analysis has resulted in- She had a spotless brown skin. It was smooth, shiny and SEXY. The nose though a little blunt , was cute. Her lips, without any lip gloss, glistened with lust. Her sharp curves together with young unconquered assets could easily compete with a temptress of a chick flick or an erotic female of ellora caves. On the outside she wore a salwar. I was blessed as i could guess her outlines better. In doing so i felt the torch of civilization revolt between my legs and i would bet that the same would happen to anyone who could imagine her from the description that i have given..........