Monday, February 22, 2010

Love again or Is it....?????

Time has finally come for our juniors to arrive.We all stood at the pasage blocking there way. I just accompanied my friends, was nt much intrested in knowing any of them. I was more intrested in handing my assigments to any of the gals with a good hand writting. All gals do have a good hand writting. I selected a gal from the bunch, dressed in red. She looked good so i asumed that she mite even write good. I handed my assignment sheets and she took it with out any complaints. She completed everything by evening and returned the papers. I started liking this way of raging. For the first time in my college life i used to get my assignments completed on time. I did the same next day, gave all my pending assignments to the same gal. Een the day after. But today i saw tears in her eyes and when asked the reason, she cried and left with my book. Later i came to know that there are other senior who made her do the same work. She was overloaded with work. I did pity her.
The next day i met her alone, she completed my assignments as always. I helped her tackle the other guys who used to make her do there work. But still she was doing mine. I started seeing her on a regular basis. Sometimes just to chat, soon we became good friends.
Lying on my bed on the same day, I thought about thi new gal in my life. The asignment gal or better known as 'shreya'. I tried to distance myself from her but i ended up appreciating her appearence. Her artistic eyes, soft ears and slender neck. Oh God!! what the hell am i telling!!!
I just could not control myself from telling so. I did nt jerk off thinking about her. I had high respect for her.Just one question rang my head " can love happen morethan once??" If all planets were fit for living then earth would have lost its unique identity likewise if i fall in love with every other gal i meet then love would loose its meaning. It would e same as lust and greed. The question which haunts my mind is weather i deserve her. If yes then what about my love for Neha?? Was it true?? I still cant get her out of my mind then how could i even think of any other gal!!!

1 comment:

  1. its simply the great buddy ... is it ur creation or of some one else. nice to see a person from nehru to have a blog .....
