Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Its almost a week since i have seen her for the first time but i have nt done anything other than staring at her. Its easy to write a thouand words about her rather than speaking to her once. But i had to act fast. I just had two choices- to make a girlfriend in the first year or to celibate for the next four years which is a pretty long time. I did nt want to end up a despo!!!!!!!!

Today i saw her passing by the road with her friends, seemed like fachchis were getting aquinted to the campus. A friend of mine was walking towards them to have a chat with them. he is always good at these matters so i thought of accompanying him. This was a good oppurtunity of talking to her. There were five of them. They were all talking to him as if they knew each other for centuries. Where as i was standing in the background playing the role of a shrub and discrening weather god has gifted me with a tongue or not. I could not muster the courage to speak to them. I was staring at them with infinite blankness or should i say i was staing at her!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was busy admiring her when suddenly she looked at me and told that even i could join there talk. All of a sudden i became the centre of attention and all started laughing. She was nt funny but still i was embarrased. That was realy a good start. Just what i did nt want!!!!!!

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