Sunday, February 14, 2010


As usual crippled with laziness , I dragged myself out of bed and with out caring to switch on the light i walked in the bathroom. that was instinctive for me. As always i was late for college, one needs some form of encouragement to go to that dumb place daily. Encouragement in my case was gals.........!!!!!!!!!! days were so boring. there were times when i thought that i would die a virgin in this dump place. In order to avoid it i had to fall in love, rest is there in my genes. I dragged myself in to the college bus and some how with extreme difficulty i reached college. Out of the bus and i saw a gal in white, she was hot!!! For the first time i thought that God heard my prayers. Stil dont remember the last time i went to a temple! I examined her for quite a while and this is what my analysis has resulted in- She had a spotless brown skin. It was smooth, shiny and SEXY. The nose though a little blunt , was cute. Her lips, without any lip gloss, glistened with lust. Her sharp curves together with young unconquered assets could easily compete with a temptress of a chick flick or an erotic female of ellora caves. On the outside she wore a salwar. I was blessed as i could guess her outlines better. In doing so i felt the torch of civilization revolt between my legs and i would bet that the same would happen to anyone who could imagine her from the description that i have given..........

1 comment:

  1. dude..........its vvv good 4 a frst timer but i feel tat...........u must read ur own blog many a times [lazy creature] n correct d gramatical mistks (if ny).....i thnk thr r some........n pls choose sme nice titles ...attractive oness..n limit th X factor to sme extend.........dont go over (u can bt not in every chapter) ps ps ps use diff fonts to attract particular incidents.....n n n n give the main characters background too dude..abt his life bfor the coleg he was f****d during his skool days.... nice going ........waiting to know do th corrections .......psssss n make it mor attractive nnnn user friendly.. also keep a option wer u wil give rply to the written comments..n a main heading wer u wil knw th no. of visitors n UR(author"s)present situation.......k tcccccccccccccccc...........
