Monday, February 22, 2010

The other side

Two months of vacation passed quite fast. It wa a good respite from the academic stress that i faced. Our new semester started with a bang, our seniors have told that maths this year was is tough. On top of that our proffesor was of no good either. Those who go to college and never come out are called proffesssors. I was finally back in my room, all my room mates have already arrived. All had a good time chatting about our holidays and some about there girlfriends. I was so involved in my love fiasco last sem that i never introduced you to my friends.
Let me start with gaurav, In one word he is a psyco!! His problem is that he never listens and is excentri about sex. Fantasizing about sex is his moral obligation. He finds sex in the most emotional scenes of a movie. In my opinion he would have been a better sexologist than an engineer.
The next is Aakash, he is an emotional attyachar. He emotionally blackmails all of us. But he is good. He loves his mother a lot. That does nt means others dont!! But he is very closely attached to her.
The third in the list is Aditya. He is a replica of Harish Chandra or the rebirth to be more speciic. Even if the teacher allows us to cheat in the exams he wont do it. Can you believe that?? He has never heard of the saying- " Rules are meant to be broken"
Then comes the most intresting guy in the lot nikhil, h is a real Adonis, he has apersona which consumes anyone approaching him. He is good in studies, sports and famous among gals. He is what every guy in college want to be.
Last but not the least karthik. There is nt much i know about him but he alway has a mobile attached to his ear lobes. He walks with it, he sleeps with it and he even SHITS with it.

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